Special Education/ Professional Development Resources
Professional Development Resources for Educators around various Special Education Topics.
Comprehensive Evaluations
Early Childhood
Executive Functioning
Goal Writing
High Leverage Practices
IEP Process
Out of District Placement
Social Emotional
Specially Designed Instruction
Sped LAW
Trauma Informed Care
Vision Impairment
Primary Behavior Community of Practice (Pre-K – 5th Grade)
- Session #1: Classroom management strategies to improve overall student behavior
- Session #2: Supports for students who engage in power struggles, defiance, lack of motivation, noncompliance
- Session #3: Data collection and how to use appropriate data to drive decisions for behavioral and functional behavior
- Session #4: Determining the function of behavior and function matched interventions
- Session #5: Application and troubleshooting
Secondary Behavior Community of Practice (6th – 12th Grade)
- Session #1: Classroom management strategies to improve overall student behavior
- Session #2: Supports for students who engage in power struggles, defiance, lack of motivation, noncompliance
- Session #3: Data collection and how to use appropriate data to drive decisions for behavioral and functional behavior
- Session #4: Determining the function of behavior and function matched interventions
- Session #5: Application and troubleshooting
Comprehensive Evaluations
- Conducting Comprehensive Evaluations by Bart Lyman
- Comprehensive Evaluations & Observations for Early Childhood Pre-K – 2 by Annastashia Teepe
- Woodcock Johnson/Review of General Administration Procedures
- WDE Guidance Documents
- IDEA Legal Issues in COVID School Closures: FAPE, Comp Services, Other Issues by Jose Martin*
- Identifying and Overcoming Special Education Issues in a Virtual Setting by Jose Martin*
- WDE Guidance Documents
Early Childhood
- What About Us? PLC at Work Process for Grades Pre-K – 2 Teams by Brian Butler
- Social Emotional Panel Discussion (Early Childhood focus)*
- Trauma-Informed Care (Early Childhood focus)*
- Kindergarten Transition & Executive Functioning Skills by Deana Smith, Nikki Baldwin, and Amy Reyes*
- Presentation slides (Deana Smith)
- Presentation slides (Nikki Baldwin)
- Presentation slides (Amy Reyes)
- Presentation slides (Albany County)
- Presentation slides (Teton County)
- Handouts
- Early Childhood Goal Writing Strategies (Pre-Academic/Functional) by Tessie Bailey*
- Handouts
- Resource: NCII Strategies for Setting High-Quality Academic Individualized Education Goals
- Resource: NCII Strategies for Setting Data-Driven Behavioral Individualized Education Program Goals
- Resource: PBIS World Data Tracking
- Resource: NEAG School of Education Direct Behavior Ratings
- Resource: Behavior Assessment: Conduct an A-B-C Analysis
- Resource: Behavior Assessment: Duration and Latency Recording
- Resource: Behavior Assessment: Frequency and Interval Recording
- Resource: Screen Brief Series
- Resource: DIBELS 6th Edition Benchmark Goals
- Neuroscience and the Brain – Effects of Early Reading by Becca Steinhoff
- Early Childhood-Determining Educational Need by Erin Swilling*
- Universal Design for the Inclusive Classroom by Nikki Baldwin, Tyler Gonzalez, and Char Norris*
- Avoiding Pitfalls in the IEP Process for Early Childhood by Stephanie Weaver*
- Executive Function Series 4: Early Learners: Creating Spaces to Foster Flexible Mindsets and Reduce Stress by Dr. Julie Dunstan*
- Early Childhood Summit – Virtual
Executive Functioning
- Executive Function Series 1: Executive Function and Metacognition: The Keys to Unlocking Success and Reducing Anxiety by Dr. Lynn Meltzer
- Presentation slides with note-taking guide
- Handout: The Executive Function and School Performance: A 21st Century Challenge
- Handout: Executive Function Checklist for Remote Learning
- Handout: Executive Function Readings
- Handout: SMARTS Executive Function and Mentoring Program
- Handout: SMARTS: Creating a Culture of Executive Function Strategy Users
- Handout: 36th Annual Executive Function Conference
- Executive Function Series 2: Executive Function and Stress Reduction: Flexible Thinking Strategies for Getting Unstuck by Dr. Lynn Meltzer and Donna Kincaid, M.Ed.
- Executive Function Series 3: Executive Function and Independent Learning: Strengthening Motivation and Engagement by Michael Greschler, Ed.M.
- Executive Function Series 4: Early Learners: Creating Spaces to Foster Flexible Mindsets and Reduce Stress by Dr. Julie Dunstan*
- Kindergarten Transition & Executive Functioning Skills by Deana Smith, Nikki Baldwin, and Amy Reyes*
- Presentation slides (Deana Smith)
- Presentation slides (Nikki Baldwin)
- Presentation slides (Amy Reyes)
- Presentation slides (Albany County)
- Presentation slides (Teton County)
- Handouts
Goal Writing
- Goal Writing by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey (K-12 focus)
- Early Childhood Goal Writing Strategies (Pre-Academic/Functional) by Tessie Bailey*
- Handouts
- Resource: NCII Strategies for Setting High-Quality Academic Individualized Education Goals
- Resource: NCII Strategies for Setting Data-Driven Behavioral Individualized Education Program Goals
- Resource: PBIS World Data Tracking
- Resource: NEAG School of Education Direct Behavior Ratings
- Resource: Behavior Assessment: Conduct an A-B-C Analysis
- Resource: Behavior Assessment: Duration and Latency Recording
- Resource: Behavior Assessment: Frequency and Interval Recording
- Resource: Screen Brief Series
- Resource: DIBELS 6th Edition Benchmark Goals
High Leverage Practices
- High Leverage Practices: Series #1: Overview by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- High Leverage Practices: Series #2: Assessment (4-6) by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- High Leverage Practices: Series #3: Instruction (12-14, 16) by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- High Leverage Practices: Series #4: Social Emotional (8-10) by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
IEP Process
- Avoiding Pitfalls in the IEP Process by Stephanie Weaver
- Defining and Understanding Educational Need (K-12) by Erin Swilling
- Early Childhood-Determining Educational Need by Erin Swilling*
- Avoiding Pitfalls in the IEP Process for Early Childhood by Stephanie Weaver*
- Determining Educational Benefit by Lenore Knudtsen
- Child Find by Jose Martin
- Identifying and Overcoming Special Education Issues in a Virtual Setting by Jose Martin*
- Refining the Implementation of IDEA in Wyoming for School Implementation of IDEA in Wyoming for School Psychologists by Lenore Knudtson
- Refining the Implementation of IDEA in Wyoming for Speech/Language Pathologists by Lenore Knudtson
- Refining the Implementation of IDEA in Wyoming for PT/OT/BIS by Lenore Knudtson
- Emotional Disability Child Find by Gail Eisenhauer*
- IDEA Discipline: Authority and Limits by Lenore Knudtson*
- Modern Issues in LRE: Does the Mandate Really Apply Equally in All Contexts by Jose Martin*
- WDE Guidance Documents
- MTSS 101 by Bart Lyman (K-12 focus)
- Overcoming Poor Quality Tier 1 through Effective Implementation of HLPs/EBPs by Tessie Bailey
- Avoiding Major Tier 3 Pitfalls: Keep it Simple! by Tessie Bailey
- Using the MTSS Fidelity Rubric to Create An Action Plan by Bart Lyman
- High Leverage Practices: Series #1: Overview by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- High Leverage Practices: Series #2: Assessment (4-6) by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- High Leverage Practices: Series #3: Instruction (12-14, 16) by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- High Leverage Practices: Series #4: Social Emotional (8-10) by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- Let’s Get the Right Kids in Tier 2: Preventing Overidentification by Tessie Bailey
Out of District Placement
- IDEA Compliance for Out of District Placement: Institutions by Gail Eisenhauer
- IDEA Compliance for Out of District Placement: Districts by Gail Eisenhauer
- WDE Guidance Documents
- Special Education Paraprofessional Training Series by TAESE. Presenters include Kimberly Hutter, Greg Abell, Frank Podobnik, Christine Manning, Katie Harris
- Day 1: August 11, 2021
- Day 2: August 12, 2021
- Paraprofessional Training Booster Session #1 by Katie Harris – Ph.D., and Christine Manning
- Special Education Paraeducator Booster Session #2 by Katie Harris and Christine Manning
- Special Education Paraeducator Booster Session #3 by Dar. Marilyn Likins and Deborah Andrews
- Special Education Paraeducator Booster Session #4 by Brenda O’Keeffe
- Special Education Paraeducator Booster Session #5 by Dr. Kristi Probst
- Special Education Paraeducator Booster Session #6 by Alex Langevin
- Paraeducator Booster Session #7 – Assistive Technology for Wyoming Para-educators by Shelby Kappler, Ryan Rausch, and Terri Wofford
- Paraprofessional Course Introduction
- Duties as Assigned by Toni Shelby
- Expectations in the Classroom by Toni Shelby
- Disability Types and Strategies to Support Them by Toni Shelby
- Addressing Behaviors by Toni Shelby
- Session #1: The Ins and Outs of IDEA
- Disability Categories
- Rights and protections for students/families
- FERPA/privacy
- PowerPoint Slides
- Handouts
- Session #2: 3 R’s: Roles, Responsibilities, & Relationships
- Ethics
- Teacher(s) and Paraprofessional
- Classroom Management
- Collaboration/Communication
- PowerPoint Slides
- Session #3: Supporting Students In and Out of the General Education Classroom
- Accommodations vs. Modifications
- Independence/Fading
- Inclusion Practices
- PowerPoint Slides
- Handouts
- Session #4: Data & Instructional Strategies
- Academic, Functional, Social Emotional, & Behavior
- Data Collection
- Matching interventions to functional behavior
- PowerPoint Slides
- Session #5: Maintaining a Healthy Balance for Success
- Self-Care & Maintenance for Educators
- PowerPoint Slides
Social Emotional
- Social Emotional Panel Discussion (Early Childhood focus)*
- High Leverage Practices: Series #4: Social Emotional (8-10) by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey*
- Emotional Disability Child Find by Gail Eisenhauer*
Specially Designed Instruction
- Specially Designed Instruction – Session #1
- Specially Designed Instruction – Session #2
- Specially Designed Instruction – Session #3
Sped LAW
- SPED Law Series #1 by Amy Goetz and Jose Martin
- SPED Law Series #2 by Amy Goetz and Jose Martin
- IDEA Legal Issues in COVID School Closures: FAPE, Comp Services, Other Issues by Jose Martin*
- Identifying and Overcoming Special Education Issues in a Virtual Setting by Jose Martin*
- IDEA Discipline: Authority and Limits by Lenore Knudtson*
- Modern Issues in LRE: Does the Mandate Really Apply Equally in All Contexts by Jose Martin*
- Addressing Postsecondary Transition: Student with Complex Needs
- Kindergarten Transition & Executive Functioning Skills by Deana Smith, Nikki Baldwin, and Amy Reyes*
- Presentation slides (Deana Smith)
- Presentation slides (Nikki Baldwin)
- Presentation slides (Amy Reyes)
- Presentation slides (Albany County)
- Presentation slides (Teton County)
- Handouts
Trauma Informed Care
- Trauma-Informed Care (Early Childhood focus)*
- Trauma-Informed Care (K-12 focus)
- Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: Building Self-Healing Communities by Dr. Robert Anda
Vision Impairment
* Webinar is listed in more than one place.
For additional Technical Assistance /Guidance resources on special education topics please visit WDE Technical Assistance and Guidance.
Contact – If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Duncan (jennifer.duncan@wyo.gov or 307-777-3530)