IRIS CenterWebsite:

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the IRIS Center is headquartered at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. Our primary objective is to create resources about evidence-based practices for use in preservice preparation and professional development programs. IRIS then disseminates and offers trainings on those resources.

Developed in collaboration with nationally recognized researchers and education experts, IRIS resources are designed to address instructional and classroom issues of great importance to today’s educators, issues like response-to-intervention (RTI), classroom behavior management, and early childhood instruction, among many, many more. IRIS resources are used in college instruction, professional development activities, and independent learning opportunities for practicing educators.

Top Tips for PD Providers

The IRIS Center has several PD opportunities: Modules, Case Studies, Information Briefs, Activities, Interviews, Evidenced-Based Practice Summaries, Video Vignettes and more!

Wrap-Around Concept Maps

These diagrams are designed to help professional development providers, as well as independent learners—extend and deepen the information included Modules and Case Study Units through the use of supporting materials available on the IRIS Website, such as activities, and videos. By using these Wrap-Around Concept Maps, PD providers and independent learners can more easily accomplish the task of broadening their own instruction, and hence their students’ learning experiences.

Wrap-Around Concept Map: Case Studies- Early Reading

Wrap- Around Concept Map: Case Studies- Measuring Behavior

Wrap-Around Concept Map: Case Studies- Defining Behavior