Hearing Screenings
A screening program, based on best practice, according to National Guidelines, is designed to identify those students who are at risk for academic failure. Although it is only a screening, it is set in place to identify those who are in need of further attention in the form of audiology or medical evaluation. Identifying these students is the first step in allowing them equal access to academic instruction which leads to success in school. WDE Outreach supports consistent hearing screening programs throughout Wyoming by providing statewide and district focused hearing screening trainings as well as individual on site provider support as needed. Contact Outreach Services for Deaf/HOH for training opportunities.
Related Links
- Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Wyoming (EHDI)
- Downloadable from EHDI Wyoming
- Common Mistakes in Hearing Screening (video)
Related Handouts
- Best Practice Protocol
- Hearing Screenings Referral Flowchart
- Documentation Form for Hearing Screening Results
- Note: Please include OAE in the notes section.