Wyoming Statewide MTSS-PLC
The Wyoming Department of Education, Special Programs Division is providing districts the opportunity to be part of a state-wide Multi-Tier System of Support Professional Learning Community (MTSS-PLC).
What is MTSS?
Multi-Tier System of Supports: A comprehensive system of differentiated supports that includes evidence-based instruction, universal screening, progress monitoring, formative assessments, research-based interventions matched to student’s needs, and educational decision-making using student outcome data.
School districts are seeing valuable outcomes in schools where MTSS is being implemented with rigor and fidelity. Research and current practices show that school and district engagement in aligning resources, promoting greater collaboration, and striving to serve students through a rigorous MTSS leads to:
- Gains in reading and math assessment scores for all students
- A decrease in inappropriate referrals to special education
- A decrease in suspensions and expulsions
- Improved collaboration between general and special education
- Corresponding cost benefits
What is a Professional Learning Community (PLC)?
The term Professional Learning Community refers to an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively so seek and share learning to improve professional practice and, ultimately, student outcomes. PLCs can be school-based, district-based, cross-district or national. Whatever their composition, true PLCs have the following five common characteristics:
- Shared commitment to improving student learning and outcomes.
- Collective inquiry, collaboration and shared practice.
- Supportive and shared leadership by all members: administrators and teachers
- Supportive conditions for collaboration, including designated meeting times & a well-developed communication structures.
- Action-oriented: PLCs don’t just examine data; they use data as a catalyst for action and continuous improvement.